Free Your Mind Voluntary Counseling
The voluntary counseling program was created to promote a fruitful way of addressing and responding to real situations. The program teaches individuals ways of keeping in tune with self and understanding the power and usefulness of the mind. It enables receivers to find the root of a problem and unfolds the best approach in solving a matter. The program inspires self awareness, self development, self confidence and is life applicable.
The goal of this program is to restore hope, joy and an ultimate sense of awareness that lies within.
Voluntary counseling is dedicated in meeting the inner needs of individuals and creating a difference by establishing a new way of thinking.
Below are the eight subjects that are essentials in understanding and building one self. These subjects have been proven and tested from my personal experiences which has uncovered many unanswered questions and has carried me beyond measures and still.
Understanding behavioral processes of the mind:
- The origin of (your) thinking and thoughts by character, form or shape
- Understanding the characters of negative and positive
- Identifying the relationship between your feelings and your thoughts
- The cause and effect of choices
Health and wellness:
· Understanding what it means to be healthy; using the mind as the manufacturer
· Finding useful tools that nourish and preserve the mind
Communication (s):
- Knowing the importance and power of communication with any form or expression of words
- Understanding the effectiveness communication has on growth
Relationship Carriers:
- Understanding the importance of relationships and carrying items that simply doesn’t belong or that has run it’s course
Understanding the Importance and Power of Consolation
· Self consolation is a very important tool that is necessary in Self development. As one continues to grow, understanding your emotions becomes absolutely useful. In times that may feel pressuring or unbearable, initially search yourself. Stopping to analyze the matter at hand may be difficult in given situations, however if your mind can reach beyond the matter you’ll understand the source from which it comes. Understanding the presence of a situation creates away for healing. In times like these the rule is to measure the Things that hold value to you. Selectively, with those things you keep moving.
Understanding and knowing your self and your possessions:
· When all manner of communication (s) is practiced to be kept under control and you live in a mind set that is more consumed in taking care of self, you then start to understand who you are. You begin to exercise all things that you have inside and you gradually gain knowledge of who you are and your self worth. The more time you spend with your self the more you know yourself. Your mind is the most essential part of your make up and you must know the nature in which it lives.
Developing and applying a healthy attitude in given situations:
- Now with having gone through daily experiences proving your self at work you practice to apply self building techniques. Each day growing and developing in a more solid condition where you see and feel the manifestations of the real you.
Living in Self……….. The key producer:
· Finally, the stage of confidence where you’ve developed in self and have learned and grown in your experiences. Knowing your self and standing on your grounds, no matter what situation occur. Living in joy and peace knowing you have the ability to create, control and express yourself.